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Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Exciting News!!   It’s Good News, Great Joy!

Where: Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church (BEPC)

What:  New Local OCC shoebox drop-off/collection location AND the Central Drop-off location for the Genesee Valley Region

When:  During National Collection Week - November 18-25

Why:  The heart of OCC (and BEPC) is for the Gospel.

These simple shoebox gifts, along with ministry partners all over the world, enable children to hear the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all.  Each shoebox = a ‘Gospel Opportunity’- aka G O boxes
How:  Through prayer and training of volunteers, we want to ensure that every person dropping off a shoebox will have a ‘transformational’ experience, experiencing the love and care of Christ through our team. Without dedicated volunteers and donors, the mission of Operation Christmas Child would not be realized.
Collection Network Volunteer Roles:  Volunteers will show a positive representation of Christ: Volunteers represent Samaritan’s Purse and our church.

  • Central Drop-Off Team Leader:  Julie Foeller- develop and lead a team of Collection Network Volunteers to share the hope of Jesus Christ through OCC by meeting the logistical needs of collecting shoebox gifts at the Central Drop-off location (BEPC)

  • Host/Greeters:  People who have the gift of hospitality; warm, welcoming and good with people; serves at the front table welcoming shoebox donors; collects donor data on log-sheets; ensures donors have a ‘transformational‘ experience, not just transactional; trained to share more information about the ministry of OCC.

  • Unloaders: Greet donors at the curbside/parking lot; unload shoeboxes from vehicle and transport into the fellowship hall; be able to lift a reasonable amount of weight; ensure accurate count of shoeboxes received.

  • Cartonizers:  A good organizer; able to lift up to 50 lbs.; efficiently pack shoeboxes into OCC cartons (at least 15 per carton); accurately count and label each carton so they are ready for delivery to the processing center.

  • Prayer Leader: Organize people to lead a prayer time each day of National Collection Week using daily devotions supplied by OCC.


These are some of the main volunteer roles that will be needed during collection week.
Each volunteer will be trained ahead of time and will have the opportunity to choose the days/evenings they are willing to serve.


Please see Julie Foeller with any questions.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says,
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”


Shoebox Donation Requests

As in years past, we will have the Youth Sunday School classes pack shoeboxes in November from items that have been donated by the congregation.  To simplify things, we are requesting items for Boys and Girls age 10-14 years.  Typically, this age group (especially boys) tends to have fewer boxes packed.  Each month we will have a bin in the foyer to place donated items.
For July and August- think summer items…. sunglasses, hats, flip-flops, sandals, t-shirts, shorts, outdoor toys-i.e. Frisbee, ball (that can fit in shoebox). You can find some good buys on clearance.
Also, School Supplies - small notebooks, colored pencils, crayons, pens, pencil pouches or boxes, pencils with sharpeners, erasers etc.

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